54 photos; 10:51 video
I recently went part time at my day job, which means added responsibility at home. Johnny expects me to dress like a stepford wife, wear high heels, be tied up and gagged regularly, etc.... So, my first day as a submissive housewife went pretty well. Johnny gave me a flowing flowery dress to wear and then chair tied me with a thick white detective style, over the mouth gag. He let me sit there for quite a while as he completed the laundry. I'm thinking this deal is not so bad. Originally, I thought I would be doing all the household chores. But, all I have to do is sit here and be seductively tied up while Johnny does the chores. I can definitely handle this. And, with an over the mouth gag, he can't even see me smile as I enjoy watching him do the laundry for me....:)