27 Octoberfest 2014 video

6:45 video

Here at the JackieBound Bar, wearing my foxy little red and black PVC beer wench uniform, I am trying to serve some seasonal ale to my regular patrons. But, Johnny has now made it delectably more difficult, by constricting me with matching rope. (He knows I'll let him do just about anything as long as it is matchy-matchy) So, with my ankles and knees tied tight with black rope and my arms behind my back tied at the wrists and elbows with red rope, I hop over to the beer tray I have set out. The fetching ball gag in my mouth does little but keep me quiet and unable to complain about the difficulty of my task. I grasp one beer and pull it behind my back to try and open it, but to little avail. The cap is still just a little too tight. I'm finally able to grab the other beer I have set out and successfully open it this time. I pour a beer skillfully (for a little gal tied up) in the stein I have set out and then take a sip of beer through a straw and my ball gag, so I can taste the brew I'm serving my faithful clients. I can't do much else, so I hop back around the counter and hop up onto the bar and struggle around a little bit more, because that's what they like best at this kinky dive! Yep, Jackie gets the title for Best Bound Beer Wench this year!


Friend me on www.Fetlife.com  username: RealJackieBound. I share pictures (lots and lots of pictures)!  :)

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