Bondage Christmas photos

101 photos

We were going to set up a tree for our annual Christmas bondage pictures.  Then Johnny had an idea.  "what about a non-tree, a Festivus kind of theme?" he asked.  I thought it was a great idea.  I went upstairs to get ready and when I came down he had take the bondage pole and put a star on it and wrapped the post in lighted garland.  Then he put a stripped tree base that matched some tape we had.  I thought I'd wear my Mrs. Clause outfit and try out my Fredericks satin boy shorts which kind of look Christmassy.  I also put on some striped thigh-high stockings.  I was told to wear my black stilletos but Johnny had me take them off, so just my feet were exposed.  Johnny grabbed the hemp rope and tried tying a modified chest harness.  He's been reading bondage tying books. Before long he had me in a hogtie, which as you know, is my favorite.  I couldn't complain long, he used that Christmas duct tape to seal my lips together.  Tape is my favorite gag.

Please follow me on at  I post exclusive twitter pics there when I take them:) 

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