3:26 video
I was not behaving and sometimes I admittedly do this on purpose. After all only bad girls get spanked? Johnny removed the gag an untied me. I hated that gag and was showing that I hated it. He laid me out across the bed, tying me to one corner of the head board and my legs to the opposite foot board. I was stretched over the bed, but not so much that I couldnt pick my head up. I was tied with my stomach facing down. To keep me quiet he placed a few pieces of duct tape accross my mouth. I had a fealing what was coming next and on the one hand, I was a little nervous, who likes pain? The other hand I secretly like a spanking every so often. Johnny had a nice soft paddle he could use but instead opeted for a leather slap. You can see me wince in sweet pain ever time the leather smack my bottom. Luckily the tape kept me from calling out for him to stop.
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